OpenPix (1.0.0)
Download OpenAPI specification:Download
A OpenPix é uma Plataforma de Gestão de Pagamentos. Para utilizar nossa API você deve acessar e somente o mesmo. A OpenPix não aceita subdominios para a API.
Veja como configurar seu acesso a nossa API aqui.
Get an Account
path Parameters
accountId required | string Example: 6290ccfd42831958a405debc ID of the Account |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "account": {
- "accountId": "6290ccfd42831958a405debc",
- "isDefault": true,
- "balance": {
- "total": 129430,
- "blocked": 0,
- "available": 129430
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "accounts": [
- {
- "accountId": "6290ccfd42831958a405debc",
- "isDefault": true,
- "balance": {
- "total": 129430,
- "blocked": 0,
- "available": 129430
}, - {
- "accountId": "6286b467a7910113577e00ce",
- "isDefault": false,
- "balance": {
- "total": 130,
- "blocked": 100,
- "available": 30
Withdraw from an Account
An additional fee may be charged depending on the minimum free withdrawal amount. See more about at
path Parameters
accountId required | string Example: 6290ccfd42831958a405debc ID of the Account |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
value | number Value in cents |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": 7000
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "withdraw": {
- "account": {
- "accountId": "6290ccfd42831958a405debc",
- "isDefault": true,
- "balance": {
- "total": 122430,
- "blocked": 0,
- "available": 122430
}, - "transaction": {
- "endToEndId": "E23114447202205191817cx6VMrbwtw6",
- "transaction": 7000
Get the exclusive cashback amount an user still has to receive by taxID.
path Parameters
taxID required | string Examples:
The raw tax ID from the customer you want to get the balance. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "balance": 0,
- "status": "string"
Get or create cashback for a customer.
Create a new cashback exclusive for the customer with a given taxID. If the customer already has a pending excluisve cashback, this endpoint will return it instead.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Customer's taxID and the cash
taxID | string Customer taxID (CPF or CNPJ) |
value | number Cashback value in centavos |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": 100,
- "taxID": 11111111111
Response samples
- 200
- 201
- 400
{- "cashback": {
- "value": 0
}, - "message": "string"
Get an image of Qr Code from a Charge
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
charge link payment ID |
query Parameters
size | string Examples:
Size for the image. This size should be between 600 and 4096. if the size parameter was not passed, the default value will be 1024. |
Response samples
- 400
{- "error": "string"
Delete a charge
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
charge ID or correlation ID. You will need URI encoding if your correlation ID has characters outside the ASCII set or reserved characters (%, #, /). |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "status": "OK",
- "id": "fe7834b4060c488a9b0f89811be5f5cf"
Edit expiration date of a charge
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
correlation ID. You will need URI encoding if your correlation ID has characters outside the ASCII set or reserved characters (%, #, /). |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Expires date to update charge
expiresDate | string Expiration date of the charge. Only in ISO 8601 format. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "expiresDate": "2021-04-01T17:28:51.882Z"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "charge": {
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "value": 100,
- "comment": "good",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "paymentLinkID": "7777a23s-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "expiresIn": 2592000,
- "expiresDate": "2021-04-01T17:28:51.882Z",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
- "additionalInfo": [
- {
- "key": "Product",
- "value": "Pencil"
}, - {
- "key": "Invoice",
- "value": "18476"
}, - {
- "key": "Order",
- "value": "302"
], - "paymentMethods": {
- "pix": {
- "method": "PIX_COB",
- "transactionID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "identifier": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "additionalInfo": [ ],
- "fee": 50,
- "value": 200,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "txId": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
Get one charge
path Parameters
id required | string Example: fe7834b4060c488a9b0f89811be5f5cf charge ID or correlation ID. You will need URI encoding if your correlation ID has characters outside the ASCII set or reserved characters (%, #, /). |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "charge": {
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "value": 100,
- "comment": "good",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "paymentLinkID": "7777-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "globalID": "Q2hhcmdlOjcxOTFmMWIwMjA0NmJmNWY1M2RjZmEwYg==",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
- "additionalInfo": [
- {
- "key": "Product",
- "value": "Pencil"
}, - {
- "key": "Invoice",
- "value": "18476"
}, - {
- "key": "Order",
- "value": "302"
], - "expiresIn": 2592000,
- "expiresDate": "2021-04-01T17:28:51.882Z",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "paymentMethods": {
- "pix": {
- "method": "PIX_COB",
- "transactionID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "identifier": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "additionalInfo": [ ],
- "fee": 50,
- "value": 200,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "txId": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
Get a list of charges
query Parameters
start | string <date-time> (Start Date) Example: start=2020-01-01T00:00:00Z Start date used in the query. Complies with RFC 3339. |
end | string <date-time> (End Date) Example: end=2020-12-01T17:00:00Z End date used in the query. Complies with RFC 3339. |
status | string Enum: "ACTIVE" "COMPLETED" "EXPIRED" |
customer | string Customer Correlation ID |
subscription | string Subscription Correlation ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
}, - "charges": {
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "value": 100,
- "comment": "good",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "paymentLinkID": "7777a23s-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
- "additionalInfo": [
- {
- "key": "Product",
- "value": "Pencil"
}, - {
- "key": "Invoice",
- "value": "18476"
}, - {
- "key": "Order",
- "value": "302"
], - "expiresIn": 2592000,
- "expiresDate": "2021-04-01T17:28:51.882Z",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "paymentMethods": {
- "pix": {
- "method": "PIX_COB",
- "transactionID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "identifier": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "additionalInfo": [ ],
- "fee": 50,
- "value": 200,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "txId": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
Create a new Charge
Endpoint to create a new Charge for a customer
query Parameters
return_existing | boolean Examples:
Make the endpoint idempotent, will return an existent charge if already has a one with the correlationID |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a new charge
correlationID required | string Your correlation ID to keep track of this charge |
value required | number Value in cents of this charge |
type | string Enum: "DYNAMIC" "OVERDUE" Charge type is used to determine whether a charge will have a deadline, fines and interests |
comment | string Comment to be added in infoPagador |
expiresIn | number Expires the charge in seconds (minimum is 15 minutes) |
expiresDate | string Expiration date of the charge. Only in ISO 8601 format. |
object or object or object (CustomerPayload) Customer field is not required. However, if you decide to send it, you must send at least one of the following combinations, name + taxID or name + email or name + phone. | |
daysForDueDate | number Time in days until the charge hits the deadline so fines and interests start applying. This property is only considered for charges of type OVERDUE |
daysAfterDueDate | number Time in days that a charge is still payable after the deadline. This property is only considered for charges of type OVERDUE |
object Interests configuration. This property is only considered for charges of type OVERDUE | |
object Fines configuration. This property is only considered for charges of type OVERDUE | |
object Discount settings for the charge. This property is only considered for charges of type OVERDUE | |
Array of objects Additional info of the charge | |
enableCashbackPercentage | boolean true to enable cashback and false to disable. |
enableCashbackExclusivePercentage | boolean true to enable fidelity cashback and false to disable. |
subaccount | string Pix key of the subaccount to receive the charge |
Array of objects This is the array that will configure how will be splitted the value of the charge |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624587",
- "value": 100,
- "comment": "good",
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "phone": "5511999999999"
}, - "additionalInfo": [
- {
- "key": "Product",
- "value": "Pencil"
}, - {
- "key": "Invoice",
- "value": "18476"
}, - {
- "key": "Order",
- "value": "302"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "charge": {
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "value": 100,
- "comment": "good",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "paymentLinkID": "7777a23s-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "expiresIn": 2592000,
- "expiresDate": "2021-04-01T17:28:51.882Z",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
- "additionalInfo": [
- {
- "key": "Product",
- "value": "Pencil"
}, - {
- "key": "Invoice",
- "value": "18476"
}, - {
- "key": "Order",
- "value": "302"
], - "paymentMethods": {
- "pix": {
- "method": "PIX_COB",
- "transactionID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "identifier": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "additionalInfo": [ ],
- "fee": 50,
- "value": 200,
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "txId": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
Get all refunds of a charge
Endpoint to get all refunds of a charge
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
The correlation ID of the charge. You will need URI encoding if your correlation ID has characters outside the ASCII set or reserved characters (%, #, /). |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "refunds": [
- {
- "status": "IN_PROCESSING",
- "value": 10,
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "endToEndId": "E23114447202304181826HJNwY577YDX",
- "time": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z"
}, - {
- "status": "CONFIRMED",
- "value": 40,
- "correlationID": "589a378e-ab45-4f30-bd4d-4496c60f88cf",
- "endToEndId": "E23114447202304181057pOhPMsp2pJZ",
- "time": "2021-03-05T14:49:02.922Z",
- "comment": "Comentário do reembolso"
Create a new refund for a charge
Endpoint to create a new refund for a charge
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
The correlation ID of the charge. You will need URI encoding if your correlation ID has characters outside the ASCII set or reserved characters (%, #, /). |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a new refund for a charge
correlationID required | string Your correlation ID to keep track for this refund |
value | number Value in cents for this refund |
comment | string <= 140 Comment for this refund. Maximum length of 140 characters. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "correlationID": "a273e72c-9547-4c75-a213-3b0a2735b8d5",
- "value": 100,
- "comment": "Comentário do reembolso"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "refund": {
- "status": "IN_PROCESSING",
- "value": 100,
- "correlationID": "a273e72c-9547-4c75-a213-3b0a2735b8d5",
- "endToEndId": "E23114447202304181826HJNwY577YDX",
- "time": "2023-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "comment": "Comentário do reembolso"
Get one customer
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
Correlation ID or Tax ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "correlationID": "fe7834b4060c488a9b0f89811be5f5cf"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
}, - "customers": {
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
Create a new Customer
Endpoint to create a new Customer
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a new customer
name required | string |
string | |
phone | string |
taxID required | string |
correlationID | string |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Dan",
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "address": {
- "zipcode": "30421322",
- "street": "Street",
- "number": "100",
- "neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
- "city": "Belo Horizonte",
- "state": "MG",
- "complement": "APTO",
- "country": "BR"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "address": {
- "zipcode": "30421322",
- "street": "Street",
- "number": "100",
- "neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
- "city": "Belo Horizonte",
- "state": "MG",
- "complement": "APTO",
- "country": "BR"
Update a Customer
Endpoint to update a Customer
path Parameters
correlationID required | string Examples:
correlation ID |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to update a existent customer
name | string |
string | |
phone | string |
taxID | string |
object |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "address": {
- "zipcode": "30421322",
- "street": "Street",
- "number": "100",
- "neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
- "city": "Belo Horizonte",
- "state": "MG",
- "complement": "APTO",
- "country": "BR"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "address": {
- "zipcode": "30421322",
- "street": "Street",
- "number": "100",
- "neighborhood": "Neighborhood",
- "city": "Belo Horizonte",
- "state": "MG",
- "complement": "APTO",
- "country": "BR"
Get one dispute
path Parameters
id required | string Example: Ea9c291526ae54b4cb41d9909bdf6d792 The id must be the endToEndId of the transaction that originated the Dispute |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 500
{- "dispute": {
- "status": "ACCEPTED",
- "name": "John Doe",
- "phoneNumber": "+5511999999999",
- "value": 10000,
- "disputeReason": "Product not received",
- "endToEndId": "E7d401907cacd4d7fb9290345b93deac7"
Get a list of disputes
query Parameters
start | string <date-time> (Start Date) Example: start=2020-01-01T00:00:00Z Start date used in the query. Complies with RFC 3339. |
end | string <date-time> (End Date) Example: end=2020-12-01T17:00:00Z End date used in the query. Complies with RFC 3339. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
}, - "disputes": [
- {
- "disputeReason": "Dispute reason test",
- "name": "Seu Jorge",
- "phoneNumber": "+551199999999",
- "status": "IN_REVIEW",
- "value": 100,
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z"
Partners integrate affiliated companies.
They can register new companies, manage them, and earn money from them.
Create a new application to some of your preregistration's company.
As a partner company, you can create a new application to some of your companies. The application should give access to our API to this companies, so they can use it too.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The request body to create a pre registration.
object | |
object (TaxIDObjectPayload) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "application": {
- "name": "MyAPIAccess",
- "type": "API"
}, - "taxID": {
- "taxID": "65914571000187",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
Response samples
- 200
- 201
- 400
- 403
{- "application": {
- "name": "string",
- "isActive": true,
- "type": "API",
- "clientId": "string",
- "clientSecret": "string"
Get an specific preregistration via taxID param.
path Parameters
taxID required | string Examples:
The raw tax ID from the preregistration that you want to get. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "preRegistration": {
- "preRegistration": {
- "name": "string",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "string",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
}, - "user": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "string",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
}, - "company": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "string",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
}, - "account": {
- "clientId": "string"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "preRegistrations": [
- {
- "preRegistration": {
- "name": "string",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "string",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
}, - "user": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "string",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
}, - "company": {
- "id": "string",
- "name": "string",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "string",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
}, - "account": {
- "clientId": "string"
], - "pageInfo": {
- "errors": [
- {
- "message": "string",
- "data": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 0
], - "skip": 0,
- "limit": 0,
- "totalCount": 0,
- "hasPreviousPage": true,
- "hasNextPage": true
Create a pre registration with a partner reference (your company)
As a partner company, you can create a new pre registration referencing your company as a partner.
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
The request body to create a pre registration.
object (PreRegistrationObject) | |
object (PreRegistrationUserObject) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "preRegistration": {
- "name": "Example LLC",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "11111111111111",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
}, - "website": ""
}, - "user": {
- "firstName": "John",
- "lastName": "Doe",
- "phone": "+5511912345678",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "1111111111",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
Response samples
- 200
- 201
- 400
- 403
{- "preRegistration": {
- "name": "string",
- "website": "string",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "string",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
}, - "user": {
- "firstName": "string",
- "lastName": "string",
- "email": "string",
- "phone": "string",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "string",
- "type": "BR:CNPJ"
Approve a Payment Request
Endpoint to approve a payment
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to approve a payment request
correlationID | string the correlation ID of the payment to be approved |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "correlationID": "payment1"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "payment": {
- "value": 100,
- "status": "APPROVED",
- "destinationAlias": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "comment": "payment comment",
- "correlationID": "payment1"
}, - "transaction": {
- "value": 100,
- "endToEndId": "transaction-end-to-end-id",
- "time": "2023-03-20T13:14:17.000Z"
}, - "destination": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "pixKey": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "bank": "A Bank",
- "branch": "1",
- "account": "123456"
Get one Payment
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
payment ID or correlation ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "payment": {
- "value": 100,
- "status": "CONFIRMED",
- "destinationAlias": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "comment": "payment comment",
- "correlationID": "payment1",
- "sourceAccountId": "my-source-account-id"
}, - "transaction": {
- "value": 100,
- "endToEndId": "transaction-end-to-end-id",
- "time": "2023-03-20T13:14:17.000Z"
}, - "destination": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "pixKey": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "bank": "A Bank",
- "branch": "1",
- "account": "123456"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
}, - "payments": {
- "payment": {
- "value": 100,
- "status": "CONFIRMED",
- "destinationAlias": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "comment": "payment comment",
- "correlationID": "payment1",
- "sourceAccountId": "my-source-account-id"
}, - "transaction": {
- "value": 100,
- "endToEndId": "transaction-end-to-end-id",
- "time": "2023-03-20T13:14:17.000Z"
}, - "destination": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "pixKey": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "bank": "A Bank",
- "branch": "1",
- "account": "123456"
Create a Payment Request
Endpoint to request a payment
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a payment request
value required | number value of the requested payment in cents |
destinationAlias required | string the pix key the payment should be sent to |
destinationAliasType required | string Enum: "CPF" "CNPJ" "EMAIL" "PHONE" "RANDOM" the type of the pix key the payment should be sent to |
correlationID required | string an unique identifier for your payment |
comment | string the comment that will be send alongisde your payment |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": 100,
- "destinationAlias": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "destinationAliasType": "RANDOM",
- "comment": "payment comment",
- "correlationID": "payment1"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "payment": {
- "value": 100,
- "status": "CREATED",
- "destinationAlias": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "destinationAliasType": "RANDOM",
- "comment": "payment comment",
- "correlationID": "payment1"
Get one Pix QrCode
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
pixQrCode ID, correlation ID or emv identifier |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pixQrCode": {
- "name": "pix qrcode static",
- "value": 100,
- "comment": "pix qrcode static",
- "correlationID": "fe7834b4060c488a9b0f89811be5f5cf",
- "identifier": "zr7833b4060c488a9b0f89811",
- "paymentLinkID": "7777-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
}, - "pixQrCodes": {
- "name": "pix qrcode",
- "value": 100,
- "comment": "good",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "identifier": "zr7833b4060c488a9b0f89811",
- "paymentLinkID": "7777a23s-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z"
Create a new Pix QrCode Static
Endpoint to create a new Pix QrCode Static
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a new Pix QrCode Static
name required | string Name of this pix qrcode |
correlationID | string Your correlation ID to keep track of this qrcode |
value | number Value in cents of this qrcode |
comment | string Comment to be added in infoPagador |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "name": "my-qr-code",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "value": 100,
- "comment": "good"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pixQrCode": {
- "value": 100,
- "comment": "good",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "identifier": "zr7833b4060c488a9b0f89811",
- "paymentLinkID": "7777a23s-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA"
Get a Transaction
path Parameters
id required | string you can use the transaction id from openpix or the endToEndId of transaction from bank |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "transaction": {
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586"
}, - "payer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586"
}, - "charge": {
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "customer": "603f81fcc6bccc24326ffb43",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.546Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.546Z"
}, - "withdraw": {
- "value": 100,
- "time": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.536Z",
- "infoPagador": "payer info 1",
- "endToEndId": "E18236120202012032010s01345689XBY",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.546Z"
}, - "infoPagador": "payer info 0",
- "value": 100,
- "time": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.536Z",
- "transactionID": "transactionID",
- "type": "PAYMENT",
- "endToEndId": "E18236120202012032010s0133872GZA",
- "globalID": "UGl4VHJhbnNhY3Rpb246NzE5MWYxYjAyMDQ2YmY1ZjUzZGNmYTBi"
Get a list of transactions
query Parameters
start | string <date-time> (Start Date) Example: start=2020-01-01T00:00:00Z Start date used in the query. Complies with RFC 3339. |
end | string <date-time> (End Date) Example: end=2020-12-01T17:00:00Z End date used in the query. Complies with RFC 3339. |
charge | string Example: charge=Q2hhcmdlOjYwM2U3NDlhNDI1NjAyYmJiZjRlN2JlZA You can use the charge ID or correlation ID or transaction ID of charge to get a list of transactions related of this transaction |
pixQrCode | string Example: pixQrCode=Q2hhcmdlOjYwM2U3NDlhNDI1NjAyYmJiZjRlN2JlZA You can use the QrCode static ID or correlation ID or identifier field of QrCode static to get a list of QrCode related of this transaction |
withdrawal | string Example: withdrawal=Q2hhcmdlOjYwM2U3NDlhNDI1NjAyYmJiZjRlN2JlZA You can use the ID or EndToEndId of a withdrawal transaction to get all transactions related to the withdrawal |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
}, - "transactions": {
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586"
}, - "payer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586"
}, - "charge": {
- "status": "ACTIVE",
- "customer": "603f81fcc6bccc24326ffb43",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.546Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.546Z"
}, - "withdraw": {
- "value": 100,
- "time": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.536Z",
- "infoPagador": "payer info 1",
- "endToEndId": "E18236120202012032010s01345689XBY"
}, - "type": "PAYMENT",
- "infoPagador": "payer info 0",
- "value": 100,
- "time": "2021-03-03T12:33:00.536Z",
- "transactionID": "transactionID",
- "endToEndId": "E18236120202012032010s0133872GZA"
Get one refund
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
refund ID or correlation ID |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pixTransactionRefund": {
- "value": 100,
- "correlationID": "7777-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "refundId": "11bf5b37e0b842e08dcfdc8c4aefc000",
- "returnIdentification": "D09089356202108032000a543e325902",
- "comment": "Comentário do reembolso"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
}, - "refunds": [
- {
- "status": "IN_PROCESSING",
- "value": 100,
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "refundId": "9134e2866f71427abf00241681624586",
- "time": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "comment": "Comentário do reembolso"
Create a new refund
Endpoint to create a new refund for a customer
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a new refund
value | number |
transactionEndToEndId | string Your transaction ID, or endToEnd ID, to keep track of this refund |
correlationID | string Your correlation ID, unique identifier refund |
comment | string <= 140 Comment of this refund. Maximum length of 140 characters. |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "transactionEndToEndId": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "value": 100,
- "comment": "Comentário do reembolso"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "refund": {
- "status": "IN_PROCESSING",
- "value": 100,
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "refundId": "9134e2866f71427abf00241681624586",
- "time": "2021-03-02T17:28:51.882Z",
- "comment": "Comentário do reembolso"
Get a PDF document related to a payment transaction formatted as a receipt.
path Parameters
EndToEndId required | string Examples:
The EndToEndId from the payment transaction to export. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
{- "file": "file.pdf"
Get a PDF document related to a payment transaction formatted as a receipt by type (pix-in, pix-out or pix-refund).
path Parameters
ReceiptType required | string Enum: "pix-in" "pix-out" "pix-refund" Examples:
The ReceiptType from the payment transaction to export. |
EndToEndId required | string Examples:
The EndToEndId from the payment transaction to export. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 401
- 404
{- "file": "file.pdf"
Withdraw from a Sub Account
Withdraw from a Sub Account and return the withdrawal transaction information
path Parameters
id required |
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to make a withdraw partial
value | number Value of the withdrawal in cents if want to make a partial withdrawal |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": 1000
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "transaction": {
- "status": "CREATED",
- "value": 100,
- "correlationID": "TESTING1323",
- "comment": "testing-transaction"
Get subaccount details
path Parameters
id required | string Examples:
pix key registered to the subaccount |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "SubAccount": {
- "name": "test-sub-account",
- "pixKey": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "balance": 100
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "subAccounts": [
- {
- "name": "test-sub-account",
- "pixKey": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93",
- "balance": 100
], - "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 10,
- "totalCount": 20,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
Create a subaccount
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a new subAccount or retrieve existing one
pixKey | string The pix key for the sub account |
name | string Name of the sub account |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "pixKey": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624587",
- "name": "Test Account"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "SubAccount": {
- "name": "test-sub-account",
- "pixKey": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-8232aab09b93"
Transfer between subaccounts
Transfer between subaccounts
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to make a new transfer between subaccounts
value required | number The value of the transfer in cents |
fromPixKey required | string The transfer origin pix key |
fromPixKeyType required | string Enum: "CPF" "CNPJ" "EMAIL" "PHONE" "RANDOM" The transfer origin pix key type |
toPixKey required | string The transfer destination pix key |
toPixKeyType required | string Enum: "CPF" "CNPJ" "EMAIL" "PHONE" "RANDOM" The transfer destination pix key type |
correlationID | string Your correlation ID to keep track of this transfer |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": 65,
- "fromPixKey": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-874baab09b93",
- "fromPixKeyType": "RANDOM",
- "toPixKey": "3143da48-2bc7-49a4-89bd-4e22f73bfb0c",
- "toPixKeyType": "RANDOM"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "value": 65,
- "destinationSubaccount": {
- "name": "test-sub-account-1",
- "pixKey": "c4249323-b4ca-43f2-8139-874baab09b93",
- "balance": 100
}, - "originSubaccount": {
- "name": "test-sub-account-2",
- "pixKey": "3143da48-2bc7-49a4-89bd-4e22f73bfb0c",
- "balance": 100
Get one subscription
path Parameters
id required | string Example: UGF5bWVudFN1YnNjcmlwdGlvbjo2M2UzYjJiNzczZDNkOTNiY2RkMzI5OTM= The globalID or correlationID of the subscription. |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "subscription": {
- "globalID": "UGF5bWVudFN1YnNjcmlwdGlvbjo2M2UzYjJiNzczZDNkOTNiY2RkMzI5OTM=",
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "value": 100,
- "dayGenerateCharge": 5,
- "correlationID": "subscription#1",
- "status": "ACTIVE"
Create a new Subscription
Endpoint to create a new Subcription
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a new Subscription
required | object Customer of this subscription |
value required | number Value in cents of this subscription |
comment | string Comment to be added in infoPagador |
Array of objects Additional info of the charge | |
dayGenerateCharge | number [ 1 .. 31 ] Default: 5 Day of the month that the charges will be generated. Maximum of 31. |
frequency | string Enum: "WEEKLY" "MONTHLY" "BIMONTHLY" "TRIMONTHLY" "SEMIANNUALY" "ANNUALY" Frequency of the subscription |
chargeType | string Default: "DYNAMIC" Enum: "DYNAMIC" "OVERDUE" The charge type is used to determine whether charges generated by the subscription will have fines and interests |
dayDue | number >= 3 Default: 7 Days that the charge will take to expire from the generation day. |
correlationID required | string Your correlation ID to keep track of this subscription |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": 100,
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "phone": "5511999999999"
}, - "dayGenerateCharge": 15
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "subscription": {
- "globalID": "UGF5bWVudFN1YnNjcmlwdGlvbjo2M2UzYjJiNzczZDNkOTNiY2RkMzI5OTM=",
- "customer": {
- "name": "Dan",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31324227036",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "value": 100,
- "dayGenerateCharge": 5
Create a Transfer
Endpoint to to transfer values between accounts
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a transfer
value | number value of the transfer in cents |
fromPixKey | string the pix key of the account the value of the transfer will come out from |
toPixKey | string the pix key of the account the value of the transfer will go to |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "value": 100,
- "toPixKey": "[email protected]"
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "transaction": {
- "value": 100,
- "time": "2023-06-22T15:33:27.165Z,",
- "correlationID": "c782e0ac-833d-4a89-9e73-9b60b2b41d3a"
Get a list of webhooks
query Parameters
url | string Example: url= You can use the url to filter all webhooks |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "pageInfo": {
- "skip": 0,
- "limit": 100,
- "totalCount": 2,
- "hasPreviousPage": false,
- "hasNextPage": true
}, - "webhooks": [
- {
- "id": "V2ViaG9vazo2MDNlYmUxZWRlYjkzNWU4NmQyMmNmMTg=",
- "name": "webhookName",
- "authorization": "openpix",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T22:29:10.720Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T22:29:10.720Z"
}, - {
- "id": "V2ViaG9vazo2MDNlYmUxZWRlYjkzNWU4NmQyMmNmOTk=",
- "name": "webhookName",
- "authorization": "openpix",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T22:29:10.720Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T22:29:10.720Z"
Create a new Webhook
Endpoint to create a new Webhook
Request Body schema: application/jsonrequired
Data to create a new webhook
object (WebhookPayload) | |||||||||||
Request samples
- Payload
{- "webhook": {
- "name": "webhookName",
- "authorization": "openpix",
- "isActive": true
Response samples
- 200
- 400
{- "webhook": {
- "id": "V2ViaG9vazo2MDNlYmUxZWRlYjkzNWU4NmQyMmNmMTg=",
- "name": "webhookName",
- "authorization": "openpix",
- "isActive": true,
- "createdAt": "2021-03-02T22:29:10.720Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-02T22:29:10.720Z"
Callback payload samples
{- "charge": {
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "customer": {
- "name": "Julio",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31928282008",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586"
}, - "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "transactionID": "9134e2866f71427abf00241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-03T20:49:23.605Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-03T20:49:23.668Z"
}, - "pix": {
- "pixQrCode": null,
- "charge": {
- "status": "COMPLETED",
- "customer": "604002035cce3b60132343cb",
- "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586",
- "brCode": " Paulo62360532867ba5173c734202ac659721306b38c963044BCA",
- "createdAt": "2021-03-03T21:39:15.831Z",
- "updatedAt": "2021-03-03T21:39:15.896Z"
}, - "customer": {
- "name": "Julio",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31928282008",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586"
}, - "payer": {
- "name": "Julio",
- "phone": "5511999999999",
- "taxID": {
- "taxID": "31928282008",
- "type": "BR:CPF"
}, - "correlationID": "9134e286-6f71-427a-bf00-241681624586"
}, - "time": "2020-09-09T20:15:00.358Z",
- "value": 9999,
- "transactionID": "9134e2866f71427abf00241681624586",
- "infoPagador": "conta",
- "raw": {
- "endToEndId": "9134e2866f71427abf00241681624586",
- "txid": "9134e2866f71427abf00241681624586",
- "valor": "99.99",
- "horario": "2020-09-09T20:15:00.358Z",
- "infoPagador": "conta"
}, - "pixQrCode": null